NYC brought in over $250 milion bucks (or the average Yankee annual payroll) in the first year of marriage equality. That's not chump change. Other states take notice - there's money in them thar gays!
People in Charlotte made this argument during the NC debate on it, the rural counties weren't hearing it.
To be fair, most of that gay marryin' money was going to be made in Charlotte and Asheville and Hillsborough. Not too many nuptials being performed within driving distance of no raceways, you know?
In fairness, Charlotte Motor Speedway would probably rent that car eating robot dinosaur to a gay wedding if the check cleared.
Entire states are trying to discriminate against different groups of people for different reasons. This doesn't surprise me at all, even for Carolina. Anyone here have the ed history background to answer a question about why and how certain states and regions never evolved past the 19th century? I'm not inclined to think that it was ALL about slavery. Where'd the various other displays of ignorance come from initially?
Isolation? Until recently with the internet penetrating those areas they didn't get a lot of outside contact and new ideas never got to take root. Some of them have cable (more now than 10, 20 years ago certainly) but even that's new-ish.
Of course, true diversity means accepting that certain parts of the country will do things differently, right? I always thought this gay marriage movement was pushed by divorce lawyers looking to make more money anyway.
Even with cable and the internet, if you live somewhere that is 99% southern-talking white, the idea that minorities of any kind are "different," "other," and "subhuman" is very easy to relate to. Even if you have to see the occasional brown person, there isn't much interaction, so it's easy to pretend that what you saw on TV about an entire class of people is entirely true.
Nothing but ingrained societal prejudice would create a union between Al and Peggy Bundy. More evidence that certain cultural groups of women are easily purchased, so to speak.
I would have expected better from you than to parrot the claims of a man who thinks spying on Muslims all over the country is awesome.
Wait - I thought he was only spying on muslims in Jersey? What does that have to do with gay marriage?
If you see something, say something. NYPD busted spying on Muslims in New Brunswick: The Associated Press previously described the discovery of the NYPD inside the New Jersey apartment but, after a yearlong fight, New Brunswick police released the tape of the 911 call and other materials this week. "There's computer hardware, software, you know, just laying around," Sheth continued. "There's pictures of terrorists. There's pictures of our neighboring building that they have." "In New Brunswick?" the dispatcher asked, sounding as confused as the caller.
The person who is the source of this number that you simply repeated is the same person who believes that spying on people because of their religion is a perfectly valid idea. Nothing this horrible man says should be given any benefit of the doubt.
He is a megalomaniac and I disagree with much of what he says & does. NY'ers should've fought against a 3rd term for King Mike.
Back to teh gheys... (read the comments section for +1 fun!) Best quotes: See? New York is just like the rest of the country...f***ing crazy.
In all fairness, the Post is a Murdoch rag read by bitter ethnics from the outer boroughs and Long Island.
God for them. Government needs to stay out of Marriage and let Marriage be between 2 people. Whether they are the same sex or opposite sex should make not difference. People have the right to live their lives the way they choose to as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. I still say that control freak Bloomberg needs to go.
Fuck that why only two people? If 2 dudes and a gal want to get into a 3 way marriage then let them I say. But is ok, one step at the time.