That's why I said this when someone mentioned the Pope apologized after the first incident: Well, he doesn't have that excuse this time as having apologized for using it once and then using it a second time shows he doesn't give a damn. Regardless, we should judge the tree by the fruit it bears, and that Catholic tree is rotten to its core, as its long history of hiding and protecting its own pedophiles shows.
I meant excuse for the the football assistant coach who tried to force the team to regularly pray with him. They downplayed it and acted like he wanted to pray in the corner by himself. What a guy who converted to Islam while in prison was denied an Imam by his side.
Downplay any extreme behavior by that group, and amplify it when others do it (..IF they do it. Haven't seen an official Muslim prayer before a game, tho some of the Muslim kids I coached did something that appeared to be praying) While? They probably snuck pork into his meals, too. JAMN (Jaysis by Any Means Necessary)! I'm reminded of Atahualpa and the monkeychanters... "Well, you can convert to Christianity or we'll burn you at the stake. If you DO convert, we'll just strangle you..."
Conservatives are exactly what I've said about them over the years. and Christianity has been corrupted to the point where it makes life so bad that you almost have to believe in an afterlife to stay sane.
He has prayed to God for forgiveness and his success since then can be seen as proof of God's mercy. Thanks for coming, god bless. And have a good night.
"Aaaaand ye shall see God's favor in the rich. Do not seek to minimize their wealth, for they are the Job Creators, sitting at the right of God Himself..."
So wait, a 12 year old is a "young lady"? It's mentioned in more detail in the article, as well as the claim that the pastor got the girl's father's forgiveness before returning to pastorhood, which the woman denies. (And notice how he got the father's forgiveness, not the girl's forgiveness. Patriarchy, man.)
I can't believe the VH1 guy is so good at this but apparently he is the son of a preacher. 1803076109921063134 is not a valid tweet id
To be honest, it's not very hard to expose their hypocrisy if you have even the most basic knowledge of the Bible.
True. These white nationalist Christians really are as ignorant about scripture as they are about Jewish space lasers. I began my walk with evangelicals many years ago because they did actually read the Bible outside of Sunday mornings, unlike the mainline Christians I knew at the time. But man, has that moment passed.
the amount of people who were defending this guy? we might need to shut down the political arm of these churches until we can figure out why there are so many sex offenders 1803299695617540599 is not a valid tweet id
Pedophiles go where they will have easy access. Churches teach children to trust their spiritual leaders. This gives pastors easy access to children who have been groomed to trust them.
Just donate to the GOP (and SCOTUS) to guarantee a consistent tax exemption every year. Is this not a huge rip off and insult to the hard working families who work two jobs to survive.
1803513313181180332 is not a valid tweet id This seems like a set-up. I think they want this to wind up in front of the Supreme Court. Either because they think they finally have the court that will allow them to install theocracy, or because they want to give them a chance to knock it down and claim "see, we do TOO care about the Constitution, nah nah nah nah nah, nah."
Definitely not the latter. I posted the situation in Arizona in the Education Thread, where taxpayer money is now being used to teach creationism, etc. in church-run schools that are affiliated with the fascist Turning Point USA.
Not sure where the best place for this is and, for the record, I'm making the assumption on religious beliefs of the doctor involved. A Houston doctor stole the medical records of trans kids and gave them to Christopher Rufo, claiming he was acting as a whistleblower because of the Texas law. Welcome to the future for LGBT+ people!
Anyone remember that Oklahoma law that tracked menstrual cycles so pregnant women can't leave the state? Or so they can prosecute when they "get an abortion"? Welcome to the future for women in the US!