The thing is that content moderation isn't as much about keeping people from getting offended as it is about providing a somewhat enjoyable service and user experience. If all I read is trolling and insults being thrown around, my tendency is to stop using the platform.
As Nilay Patel at the Verge sagely noted, content moderation is the actual business of social media companies. Musk has been speed running the phases of content moderation all the sites went through. Facebook essentially throttled all political discussion in recent years.
I must have misunderstood the purpose of your first post. I wasn't intending to debate the topic. If I were, id start with questioning whether the government had any influence in those companies regulating speech on their platforms. Id suggest FB is a good place to start in answering that question.
In Murthy v. Missouri, decided just this past June, SCOTUS issued an opinion, saying there was no evidence any conduct by any government officials resulted in restrictions placed on users of social media platforms by said platforms. The opinion was 6-3, authored by Justice Coney Barrett.
From a legal standpoint it was correct. But given the current makeup of the Court, yeah, I thought it would be 5-4 the other way.
I cynically believe they are intentionally throwing a low-stakes case here and there to give the guise of impartiality to the rubes. But I fully own that’s a “heads I win, tails you lose” argument.
An interesting point i came across recently is that the "Rogan of the left" argument is likely garbage because media moves so fast 2028 won't be a podcast election by then. For instance lets look at the supposed defining tech/media of recent cycles 2008/12: The bigtech era, especially for organising on Facebook. Remember how Romney supposedly lost after his big data dashboard failed on election day? However it is no doubt true Obama had a much better digital op. His CTO became a rockstar for 5 mins. 2016: Supposedly won by Kusher/Parscale's algorithmic genius advertising on Facebook. This view was largely discredited later. Trump benefited much more from the tidal wave of earned media - mostly driven by his tweeting 2020: The zoom election supposedly won by Joe in his basement. Few will remember that by march 20, Parscale had built the digital 'deathstar" leveraging Trump's vast financial advantage in the early phase. Whatever happened to that deathstar? Dems did surprisingly well in this digital first election, seemingly having used the time in the wilderness to build the hashtag resistance - a fatally dumb view that led to the Biden campaign believing they no longer needed much trad media. Facebook did a coup. 2024: With Facebook off the playing field, supposedly a 78 year old man chatting with bro-casters about doing coke was how to win. yet oddly Trump campaign sank 100s of million into failed field ops. Why? In Millers view maybe none of the campaign really matters? So whatever you think of all of this, it seems highly unlikely that going on Brogan is how you win in '28
I guess the EL-OH-EL Nothing Matters analysis is how many low propensity indie voters on Pa really opted for Trump because they saw him on Rogan? Or was the real problem that for the last half decade or more, a highly influential media sector redpilled millions of people? I tend to lean towards the later. Since the pandemic, the enviro is not well suited to a trad politician and far better suited to some celeb with a brand and name recognition who fits the dynamic. Basically some kind of exciting upstart who has the chops in business, sports etc. I don't think they have to be a billionaire. But i kind of doubt they can be of the DC class.
I say back to billboard and bus stop signs. I know it sounds crazy but if people can spend a whole day listening to p Bro-casts and fox news and never hear from your side, how do you pierce their bubble? By getting to them on a micro level.
To avoid listening to politics podcasts, I've been consuming a lot of TikTok-like videos while I steer myself into other subjects and find media I want to consume. Podcasts are good while I do menial work, because they don't require my undivided attention, like a good TV show or reading a book or a magazine would, but finding interesting ones is difficult, and what is more depressing, is that audience lists, are dominated by right-wing influencers. Anyways, if the video sample I've seen during the last two months is indicative of the current state of humanity, Democrats really need to dumb down their message to reach people who don't have the intellect to understand basic math or science.
Blast from the past, we need stained glass and morality plays. The Church had a message (!) to get out, and a populace not generally literate nor sophisticated, but through iconography, symbology, dramatic peril, audience engagement, and clever language they created and maintained quite a brand. Show, don't tell, as the RES does on brocial media
Oh yes definitely true. I was talking though about the means of communication, rather than the content.
Social media is just the Jerry Springer show 20-30 years later, only worse because most people are hiding their identity. Equating it to a public space is a bit silly. And to add to that, the First Amendment need not apply to bots and people pretending to be someone else. And social media is 90% that last time I checked by FB feed.
You got a bunch of hacked accounts? That's why I keep my friendlist full of people I knew before social media. I generally ask them something they should know beforehand.
It doesn't even matter at this stage. 80-90% of anyone's newsfeed is from non-friends. Reevaluating my friends list would be about as useful as tidying up my laundry room while having half-a-dozen hobos live in my house just doing their thing.
I think what Boca is saying is that you can follow somebody like Dr Raven the science Maven who's a black female scientist that I follow. But then there will be links on her feet to other people who talk about racism and Science and myths who I don't know and technically I don't know Dr Raven either. Then you will have commenters which will be some white person blaming black people for being racist which you don't know if this is a white person or this is a bot but they will probably get rage clicks and responses from people saying I can't believe you said that or I'm sick of you white people in this end so it's snowballs and your feet is now filled with angry comments or responses to this one person and how many of these comments are responses are real people. The only person we know to some would be real is Dr Raven cuz she's the person who made the post but everything else is anonymous people saying yes she's right or no she's wrong and racist.
That's the world we live in. I see no reason to run from it. I can't run anyway. My skin is the original yellow star. Boca is White and therefore safer from these people because they know not to pursue him (Jeffrey Dahmer had few White victims, as an example) or safe because they're related to him and he knows not to eat at their home even tho they won't kill him . There are conservatives everywhere, waiting to pounce. That guy standing in the shadows behind a school with his dick out and a bag of candy to entice children is very likely one. That's what's left for those who don't get on FOX or make it in politics.
I for one like to have a feed from multiple sources. I usually need to work on a minimum of three platforms.
Not running from it is one thing, but why actively pursue it? What's gained? At best, social media is a waste of time/life. I feel for kids these days because they get sucked into it. But nothing sadder than seeing a middle-aged adult with a tic tok account.